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Lee County High School Addition and Renovation


The project is an existing high school that included renovation of nine existing buildings, the addition of three new buildings, the construction of a campus wide mechanical duct bank to provide chilled water from a new ice chiller plant to all buildings, construct a campus wide electrical duct bak to connect all buildings with security, data, and phone systems, and construct connecting corridors and walkway covers to connect all of the buildings on campus.

The buildings and square footages are as follows:

Existing New Gymnasium 44,280 SF

Existing Old Gymnasium 15,699 SF

Existing Library 54,689 SF

Existing Old Shop 11,366 SF

Existing Band and Art 11,779 SF

Existing Agriculture 5,488 SF

Existing New Shop 17,346 SF

Existing Admin and Classroom 53,980 SF

New Administration/Library  78,744 SF

New Pump & Strength 3,934 SF

New Concession 2,275 SF

Existing Cafeteria 19,847 SF

Lee Senior High School

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